Moscow Gate

The ancient gate, hastily dismantled in 1928, has now been restored, their significance has been recognized in the panorama of the city. All visitors were met by the Moscow Gate, solemnly laid on July 9, 1811 on the occasion of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the reign of Alexander I.
The gates were built according to the design of Yakov Alekseevich Kruglikov. September 15, 1813 their construction was completed. City front gates had 4 stone tiers and reached almost 20-meter height. Two powerful pylons were blocked by an attic of complex shape. On the sides of the pylons rose 8-meter half-columns. The volumetric-spatial composition of the Moscow Gate was distinguished by good proportions, a successful setting in the embankment development. They became an integral part of the panorama of the city and for many years served as its peculiar symbol, as if taking the baton from the wooden fortress buildings lost at the end of the 18th century.
The Moscow Triumphal Gate stood at one of the four main exits from the city, namely, the Moscow direction leading to the European part of Russia. That is why they received the name Moscow Gate. In 1912, several light tremors endangered a dilapidated structure. The building, whose weight reached 1.200 tonns, leaned towards the Angara and could collapse at any moment. After a thorough analysis by the commission, it was concluded that it was impossible, then available, to rectify the situation. The Moscow gates were dismantled in 1928 due to complete disrepair.
The gates were built according to the design of Yakov Alekseevich Kruglikov. September 15, 1813 their construction was completed. City front gates had 4 stone tiers and reached almost 20-meter height. Two powerful pylons were blocked by an attic of complex shape. On the sides of the pylons rose 8-meter half-columns. The volumetric-spatial composition of the Moscow Gate was distinguished by good proportions, a successful setting in the embankment development. They became an integral part of the panorama of the city and for many years served as its peculiar symbol, as if taking the baton from the wooden fortress buildings lost at the end of the 18th century.
The Moscow Triumphal Gate stood at one of the four main exits from the city, namely, the Moscow direction leading to the European part of Russia. That is why they received the name Moscow Gate. In 1912, several light tremors endangered a dilapidated structure. The building, whose weight reached 1.200 tonns, leaned towards the Angara and could collapse at any moment. After a thorough analysis by the commission, it was concluded that it was impossible, then available, to rectify the situation. The Moscow gates were dismantled in 1928 due to complete disrepair.